Couple at the Eulenmühle, © Dominik Ketz© Dominik Ketz

Seasonal wine taverns & wine taverns in Rheinhessen

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Vinothek Rheinhessen Inn


Vinothek im Rheinhessen INN

Type of cuisine: Rheinhessen Tapas & hot food Rheinhessen Tapa - camembert marinated in Riesling, cheese cheese bread, carpaccio from the Schwartenmagen, meat planters on beetroot salsa, wild boar goulash from the Rheinhessen Wildsau BBQ evenings as well as culinary wine tastings The wine shop in the Rheinhessen Inn has been newly renovated since the end of 2016 and is modern and still down to earth. Cognac-colored seating, tables made of solid oak wood Warmth and coziness, ideal for good Rheinhessen wines and a few tapas.…