2475 Ride-with-the-heissluftballon

Float over the rhinehessian sea of vines in a hot air balloon and enjoy the silence in airy heights. The silent floating and an incomparable feeling of freedom make the balloon ride to and unforgettable adventure- like that you can experience Rhinehesse out of a whole new perspective! The ascent is calm and gentle. When the balloon is in the air only the wind alone determines the direction and the speed of the ride. Balloon tours are possible in every season but are also dependent from certain weather circumstances. Every season has its own charm, no matter if it's spring, autumn, summer or winter.

By the way- the greeting of the balloonists is 'luck off' and 'good land' and everyone who rides in a hot air balloon for the first time gets the balloon baptism. In a small ceremony you will be raised to the balloon nobility and get a certificate with your title of nobility.

There are also offers for wheelchair users, people with walking disabilities or visitors who can't take the whole balloon ride.


Ballonfahrten Göhler

Opening hours

  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024