Landscape Hiwweltour Bismarck Tower, © Dominik Ketz© Dominik Ketz

The decision for the wine- that was the concentration on the essential and the cornerstone for the success.

Being a winemaker is more than a job for Michael Pfeiffer- it's his lifeblood, his favourite activity and his hobby in one. His passion are the burgundy wines in lots of variations, first of all the late burgundy. Of course there's also Riesling from the great vineyard area Goldberg in Gau-Algesheim which knows how to convince with its mineralogy. The wine menu is getting completed by typically rhinhehessian wines, for example Huxelrebe and Bacchus, modern interpreted and far away from monotony. Also exotics and newcomers like Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc and Auxerrois can be found on the wine menu. In the vinotheque the wine customers can look through the wine shelves and choose their favourite wine with the help of expert guidance. The Pfeiffer family attaches great importance to the personal contact and the conversation with the customers. On regular tasting days and the event in the courtyard every two years in the middle of june the whole wine program is available at an open wine tasting. You can try whatever you like with the help of our expert guidance and in an easy atmosphere.