Cathedral square with view of the cathedral St.Martin in Mainz, © © Dominik Ketz© © Dominik Ketz
St. Peter's Cathedral in Worms, © Uwe Feuerbach© Uwe Feuerbach
Gutenberg Statue, © City of Mainz© City of Mainz
Statue Hildegard von Bingen, © City of Bingen© City of Bingen
Swollen heads for carnival, © Photo Farmer© Photo Farmer
Bingen fireworks, © Marlis Steinmetz© Marlis Steinmetz
Nibelungen Festival, © Bernward Bertram© Bernward Bertram
St. Catherine's Church Oppenheim

An extraordinary event location in the vault of a listed winery.  You should have seen this place in the geographic heart of Rhinehesse.

Cabaret, comedy, readings, classic and jazz concerts and chanson evenings and always a thrilled audience. Who wants to can eat fancy in the castle before the event or can sleep in the hotel room of the old half- timbbered house afterwards.
