Cathedral square with view of the cathedral St.Martin in Mainz, © © Dominik Ketz© © Dominik Ketz
St. Peter's Cathedral in Worms, © Uwe Feuerbach© Uwe Feuerbach
Gutenberg Statue, © City of Mainz© City of Mainz
Statue Hildegard von Bingen, © City of Bingen© City of Bingen
Swollen heads for carnival, © Photo Farmer© Photo Farmer
Bingen fireworks, © Marlis Steinmetz© Marlis Steinmetz
Nibelungen Festival, © Bernward Bertram© Bernward Bertram
St. Catherine's Church Oppenheim

The Unterhaus Forum Theatre in Mainz is among the best known small stages in Germany. It is the venue of the annual Deutsche Kleinkunstpreis award ceremony for fringe productions and offers a programme covering satirical reviews, intimate plays, and comedy performances. There is also a programme for children.
Satirical revue is like a match: if there is no friction, there is no flame.
(Werner Finck)

Unterhaus Mainz
Unterhaus: interior
Unterhaus: interior