Weingut - Winzerhofcafé - Gästehaus Wetzler


Frühstücken im Winzercafé Weingut Wetzler

  Operating mode: wine cellar café Cuisine: regional Homemade cakes and pies - specialty is the Eierlikörtorte - in the beautiful garden café in the summer. Just relax with a glass of award-winning wines and small food on weekends. On cool winter days at the tiled stove warm in a "homey" and cozy atmosphere of the guest room. The 4-star guesthouse and the wine bar café are barrier-free and wonderfully suitable for wheelchair users. Wine tasting in the Vinothek "Rheinhessen EXCELLENT" Annual closing:…

Vinothek Weingut Schloßgartenhof


Vinothek Schloßgartenhof - Weingut Dörrschuck

The winery stands on historical ground and soil. In the middle ages there was a castle in immediate proximity. According to stories it was the local domicile of knight Hundt, the present landmark of Saulheim. The garden of the castle at that time was situated under today's winery walls. The knight also leaves his traces behind in the winemaker's courtyard: sparkling wine line bears his name and makes the wine village Saulheim popular across its borders. The Dörrschuck family are deeply rooted in their home community. Right now there…



Straußwirtschaft - Weingut - Gästehaus Janson

  Operating mode: ostrich management Cuisine: seasonal, regional, vegetarian Janson's ostrich business is a meeting place. The guests sit at long tables. You meet new - or already known - faces, get into conversation, drink his favorite wine and enjoy lovingly prepared food: delicious soul food, uncomplicated and honest - and of course seasonal and regional. In good weather guests can take a seat in the secluded garden. If you do not want to drive anymore, rent yourself in the guesthouse. Wine tasting and covered wagon rides on…