We are al familiy owned and operated winery with 33 hectares of wineyards and 30 differenz types of grapes. These include exiting variations like Lagrein, Zinfandel, Chancellor, Victory, Kerner and Huxel amongst others. We offer a large selection of wines ranging from dry to sweet and also produce sparkling wine and secco´s.

Hatzfelder Hof - Flaschen
Hatzfelder Hof Portrait
Hatzfelder Hof - Schriftzug

Opening hours

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Contact details:

Hatzfelder Hof Familie Obenauer

Alzeyer Str. 17-21

67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim

Tel: (0049) 6243/7226
E-Mail: info@hatzfelder-hof.de
Internet: http://www.hatzfelder-hof.de

Contact details:

Hatzfelder Hof Familie Obenauer

Alzeyer Str. 17-21

67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim

Tel: (0049) 6243/7226
E-Mail: info@hatzfelder-hof.de
Internet: http://www.hatzfelder-hof.de