Rows of vines

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Touristinformation im Haus des Gastes

Bad Kreuznach

Tourist-Information Bad Kreuznach

We offer the following services Information about all offers in Bad Kreuznach and the surrounding area sending of information material by mail post or e-mail booking of all types of accommodations arrangement and design of individual arrangements planning and organisation of group trips Bike and e-bike hire arrangement of Segway tours Sale of information, souvenirs and typical local articles Processing of complaints and claims -Information about events and sale of event tickets -use of fax service (with guest card) -free…

Weinausschank am Turm, Tourist-Info Bodenheim


Wine bar at the tower - mobile wine stand

The joint project of the Bodenheim tourist information centre and the Bodenheim wineries takes place on Sundays and public holidays in the months of June, July, September and October, weather permitting, at the tower of the former imperial knights' monastery at the Albans statue in Bodenheim. The staff at the tourist information centre will have up-to-date information, tips on places of interest, cycling and hiking maps, as well as numerous information brochures. The mobile wine stand is open from 14:00 - 18:00 and offers visitors wine…

Tourist-Info der VG Sprendlingen-Gensingen


Tourist Information of the Municipality of Sprendlingen-Gensingen

The Tourist Information Office of the Sprendlingen-Gensingen Municipality is located in the centre of Sprendlingen at Gertrudenstraße 11. Brochures on the region and events in the Sprendlingen-Gensingen Municipality, as well as on the Rheinhessen region, are available to visitors. The website lists the calendar of events, excursion destinations in the Rheinhessen Tuscany, accommodation options and restaurants.

Blick auf die Tourist Info Bodenheim


Bodenheim Tourist Information

Bodenheim's tourist information is centrally located in the town centre. Here, tourists and interested people can find out about current events. Brochures about Bodenheim events as well as about the Rheinhessen region are available for visitors. The office of the Bodenheim tourist office is also located at Obergasse 22. The wine-growing community lies on the Rheinterrassen Weg (Rhine Terraces Route) and offers hikers and cyclists many opportunities to explore nature on the route between Mainz and Worms. There are numerous wine taverns, wine…


Bingen am Rhein

Tourist-Information Bingen

Tourist Information Bingen is located directly on the banks of the Rhine and near the station Bingen (Rhein) Stadt. The services offered range from the organization of city or museum tours to the care of tour groups to the complete travel arrangement including hotel booking and visitor program.

Rheinhessen-2016-e-bike-157 © Dominik Ketz


Ingelheim Tourist Information

The tourist information office in the Ingelheim Winzerkeller is the first port of call for Ingelheim citizens and visitors to the city. Friendly Ingelheim experts provide information on all topics that are important for a stay in the red wine town. Here you can find out what not to miss during a visit to Ingelheim. Extensive information material, from city maps and hiking tours to the Ingelheim events calendar, is available here for you to take home. Insider tips are available free of charge and at first hand. A visit to Ingelheim is…