Rows of vines

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Rathaus Nierstein


Tourismus- und KulturbĂĽro Nierstein

The tourist and cultural office is located in the town hall and is centrally located in the old center of Nierstein. Among other things, the Tourist Office organizes vineyard tours with the Nierstein winegrowers, looks after tour groups, offers city tours and is happy to help with any further questions. Whether a tour by ferry, or a visit to the cultural summer, a series of events in and around Nierstein, tourists are offered a varied program!

Touristinfo der VG Eich


Tourist information of the Eich municipality

The Tourist Information Centre of the Eich Municipality is centrally located in the centre of Eich in the administration building of the Eich Municipality (room 17 on the ground floor). Here visitors can get advice on tourist offers and brochures. The wine region includes the local communities of Gimbsheim, Eich, Hamm am Rhein, Mettenheim and Alsheim. Nature lovers can observe numerous bird and plant species in the Eich-Gimbsheim Altrhein nature reserve on the AltrheinErlebnisPfad. The Pfarrwiesensee lake and the swimming pool in Gimbsheim…