Rows of vines

The association, founded in 2001, provides the Tourist Information Office of the VG Sprendlingen-Gensingen with advice and assistance in order to offer an even more attractive programme for tourists. The association's wine festival "Toscanazauber" in Gensingen and "Jazz im Wingert", for example, are events initiated by the association.

Opening hours

  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024

    Information about the Rheinhessische Toscana e.V. Association is available at the Tourist Information Office in Sprendlingen during the following opening hours:
    Monday: 08.00 - 14.00 hrs.
    Tuesday closed Wednesday: 08:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
    Thursday: 08:00 - 12:00 h and 14:00 - 17:00 h
    Fridays: 10:00 - 12:00 hrs or by appointment.

    The Wingertsschaukeln of Rheinhessen Toscana in the vineyards of the Verbandsgemeinde Gensingen-Sprendlingen are freely accessible 24/7 all year round.

  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024