Update of the wine tourist master plan "Erlebnis Weinkulturlandschaft Rheinhessen"

Partial action field 1.1 Tourist offers

The existing wine tourism master plan from 2005 was updated as part of an externally moderated consultation and monitoring process. This reorientation "Tourism Strategy Rheinhessen 2025" defines for Rheinhessen the key strategic areas, goals and very specific lead projects. The guard rails for a sustainable, dynamic wine tourist development in terms of day and overnight guests, increase in value, improve the image and increase the awareness of the wine and tourism region are set.

Existing lead projects were further developed and new market and implementation-oriented lead projects in the field of supply development and infrastructure were developed, which fit into the existing topic-oriented target group marketing. The concluding regional action guide clarifies the distribution of tasks within the region, identifies the organizational and financial structures required for implementation and prioritizes the defined measures and projects.

Contents and goals:

  • Fundamental analysis of the competitive situation, the current tourist offer as well as the wine tourism structures in Rheinhessen
  • Solution development for even more efficient cooperation between the regional and municipal partners in Rheinhessen
  • Development of priority, market and implementation-oriented management projects and identification of financing approaches for the implementation of these projects
  • Ongoing coordination, involvement of relevant forces and partners as well as politics

Further information:


Facts at a glance
Carrier: Rheinhessen Tourism GmbH
Contact Person: Christian Halbig
LAG decision of: 06/16/2016
Air flow: € 21,000 EAFRD funds
Implementation period: 2016-2018

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