Over 50 wineries work together in our lively network and have come up with numerous offers in wine tourism in Rheinhessen for you, such as the biking tours from Winzerhof to Winzerhof or packages to wine adventures. In short: hand and homemade authentic wine offers!
Do you already know our books "Where to look in Rheinhessen" and "Rheinhessen asked"? Take a look, the books are available as flashbooks at www.urlaub-beim-rheinhessenwinzer.de.
Wine experience up close - individual and unforgettable!
Example complacent? In the evening the wine tasting in the cellar, the next morning champagne breakfast in the guest bed - the view of the vineyards of course included! Here you can literally sink into the springs after vineyard and wine tasting!
So many self-praise must (and may) be: For our authentic and special offers, we were awarded in 2009 with the national and international "Best of Wine Tourism Award" by the Great Wine Capitals in the category "Innovative Wine Tourism Experiences".