17 Vineyards

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Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Nackenheimer Rothenberg

Where the "Rote Hang" (engl. red slope) is at its reddest It is the northernmost and one of the steepest sites in the "Rote Hang", the most popular vineyard in Nierstein, and borders directly on the municipality of Nackenheim. The "Rote Hang" takes its name from the geological formation "Rotliegendem". A red soil, coloured by ferruginous clay slate. It is possible that the Rothenberg got its name from the Rotliegendem. The soil is said to be reddest here. Another interpretation would point to an old “Rodungsgebiet” (engl.…

Nieder-Flörsheimer Frauenberg

Nieder-Flörsheimer Frauenberg (Women’s mountain of Nieder-Flörsheim)

Of nuns and damsels Women were once in charge here: the site was first mentioned in a document in 1290 with the name "an frauwenhalten". Originally, the hill was owned by a nunnery. Riesling and Pinot Noir vines grow on loess and limestone. Benches and a table at the "Fräulein von Flersheim" trullo can be used for a rest. In summer, roses bloom lushly there. The red vineyard hut at the Goldbergbrunnen is partly catered for. > Info about the trullo "Fräulein von Flersheim", owned by Weingut Beyer-Bähr:…

Nieder-Hilbesheimer Honigberg

The location was mentioned in 1740 with the name "zu Hönnigen". This common vineyard seed name probably does not go back to a "bee pasture". Presumably, the name of the location by the old Weinsorten- or. Quality designation "hunnisch" emerged. However, the meaning is not yet clear.

Nieder-Olmer Klosterberg

Nieder-Olmer Klosterberg

Of archbishops, literati and swingers  The name of the camp is based on a settlement of the Mainz monastery. Already in the early Middle Ages, Nieder-Olm belonged to the archbishop of Mainz. The Klosterberg site flanks Nieder-Olm (elevated to town status in 2006). Hikers and panorama-seekers are recommended to take the slope towards Zornheimer Berg. At several vantage points with benches and a vineyard swing you have a great view over the Selz valley. The Wilhelm Holzamer Literature Trail also runs through the middle of the single…

Niersteiner Brudersberg

Niersteiner Brudersberg (Brother’s mountain of Nierstein)

Whether physical or spiritual brother - cheers to the Riesling!   Different interpretations are circulating here: Is the name of the vineyard based on the property of a monastery? Or does it go back to the four brothers of the Haxthäuser Hof, who shared the site from 1804 to 1835? Perhaps both are true? The Brudersberg is quite easy for everyone to locate: It bears the official inscription "Roter Hang" in white letters. Above the lettering, surrounded by a few trees: a lookout point with benches and a waving flag. In 2012, the…

Niersteiner Glöck

Niersteiner Glöck

Highlight of wine culture - with bell ringing According to legend, it is the oldest vineyard in Germany to be mentioned in a document: a deed of donation from the year 742 is supposed to prove this. The vineyard takes its name from St. Kilian's Church and its bells - but it is unclear whether this comes from the bells or because the church bell-ringer was paid with wine from the site. The Kilianskirche is still surrounded by the vineyards of this site. A centuries-old vineyard wall encloses the site, built by monks in the Middle Ages. The…

Niersteiner Hipping

Niersteiner Hipping

Tool, hill, goat? Nowadays a premium vineyard The name of the vineyard is documented in a deed from 1753, as the vineyard property of various Nierstein vineyards. The origin of the name has not been definitively clarified. It could have come from Middle High German and once meant "hügell" (hill). Or it goes back to "Hippe", which means tool - or another version - goat. Did bleating goats once jump over the hill here? Who knows. Today, no goats bleat there any more - and the winegrowers have nothing to complain about either. This single…

Niersteiner Kranzberg

Niersteiner Kranzberg

Allow me to introduce myself: Mrs. and Mr. Craus or Kranz! The site was first mentioned in 1418 with the name "off dem Crausberge". It is assumed that the name of the single vineyard refers to a personal name. The Kranzberg is the cone in front of the village to the north. St. Kilian's Church is enthroned in a prominent position. The site is mostly on the flatter slopes of the "Roter Hang"(red slope), i.e. it is not very steep. On loess loam, lime and sandy, clayey loam, mainly Rieslings grow – typical for "Roter Hang". > Discover…

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Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de

Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de