234 Vineyards

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Wörrstädter Rheingrafenberg

Wörrstädter Rheingrafenberg

Owned by the Rhine counts The location was given this name because of the close historical connection between Wörrstadt and the Rheingrafen (English: Rhine counts). In the Middle Ages, they shared the claim to local jurisdiction with the Lords of Löwenstein; both maintained monastic bailiwicks and property there. After a dispute in 1274, the Löwensteins were pushed further and further back. Wörrstadt remained in the possession of the Rheingrafen until the French Revolution and was thus part of Kurpfalz. A variety of grape…

Zornheimer Guldenmorgen

Zornheimer Guldenmorgen

Measure of area or unit of currency? Either way, there definitely is quality potential The vineyard name contains the Middle High German adjective "Gülden, Golden". This is documented many times in the Grimms' German dictionary. Gulden originally referred to a gold coin, then became a unit of account, currency. However, in relation to this vineyard name it can also be read that "gülden, golden" is the root word for the area measurement of a 1/4 hectare. Where does this interpretation come from? Or was a quarter of a hectare of this…

Zornheimer Vogelsang

Zornheimer Vogelsang

Made arable by man or sung by birds Two possible interpretations are circulating: Either the site got its name from an old slash-and-burn area - by singeing, lightly burning a surface for cultivation (German: sengen). Or it actually refers to the numerous birds that nest there. In this sunny vineyard, vines grow on very chalky, stony and sandy loam soil. The Pinot Noir from the limestone is particularly prized. And while tasting the wines from the "Zornheimer Vogelsang" you are welcome to sing and whistle. > Not far from the single…

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Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de

Contact details:

Rheinhessenwein e.V.

Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 4

55232 Alzey

E-Mail: info@rheinhessenwein.de