Elsheimer Bockstein
Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

Elsheimer Bockstein

Time out for sophisticated Rieslings and Pinot Noirs

Goat? Difficult soil? Jacked up? In German, all these words include the expression “Bock”. There are various interpretations on where the vineyard’s name is originated. Did the Romans once sacrifice goats here? Not very likely. The brown loam limestone soil can certainly be difficult sometimes. Or this is at least, what the winemakers say. Jacked up could be right, because in the area of the single vineyard there was once a resting place on the old army road. A rack for storing loads, the German word is “Bockstein”, sounds more likely. What we know, is that sophisticated Rieslings and Pinot Noirs ideally ripen here. With fine fruit notes and a refreshing mineral acidity. Also visible in the photos: a round-domed trullo.

> To the other sites of Elsheim: Tempelchen.
> The Selz River and the Selz Valley Cycle Path pass not far from the vineyard.

> Elsheim is part of Stadecken-Elsheim. The Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte starts here.

> Further information: https://stadecken-elsheim.de/tourismus-wein/

Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein
Elsheimer Bockstein

facts and figures

Vineyard: 142 hectare Community: Stadecken-Elsheim Sea level: 130-230 m Exposure: south
simple vineyard side:

soil types

Loess / Pararendzina

Loess Pararedzina

Wind deposition of calcareous dust in the ice ages

fertile, deep, light loam soil, clayey silt, very good storage capacity for plant-available soil water, adequate aeration, nutrient-rich, calcareous, moderate warmability, good rootability, high growth potential

Yellow-fruity aromas, apple, peach, pear, citrus, delicately fruity, slim, refreshing, gentle acidity, medium-strong structure, juicy elegant, drinkable early, tasty charm, uncomplicated complexity, fruity, cheerful expression

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Limestone clay / terra fusca

chalky loam terra fusca

Tertiary marine deposits of a chalk algae reef, weathered brown clay

Medium to deep, rocky clay soil, moderate storage capacity for plant-available soil water, limited ventilation, nutrient-rich, calcareous, moderate heatability, limited root penetration

Fruity, full-bodied, pleasant opulence, large potential, maturity necessary, smoky notes, gentle acidity, mango and apricot, tension, rich complexity

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