Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

Tiefenthaler Graukatz

Tiefenthaler gray cat 
Valley, forest, red stone - and where is the cat?  

Is there a gray cat lurking in the deep valley? At least the small village of Tiefenthal lies in a valley. So far, so good. The name is possibly derived from a grape variety, the "Graukätzer", so the story goes. If one searches for this variety today, one does not find anything. But it would fit to the word sound of other historical vine variety names, like "Schwarzurban", "Gänsfüßer" or "Süßschwarz". In any case, the soil here is not gray, but rather red. Here lies the rare "Rotliegend". The Hiwwelt Tour, which begins here, is especially attractive in the summer, because it has by far the largest forest portion of all Hiwwelt tours in Rhine Hesse. 

> Hike the Hiwweltour Tiefenthaler Höhe with old quarry and numerous old boundary stones. https://www.rheinhessen.de/hiwweltour-tiefenthaler-hoehe and blog post: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/wanderbericht-hiwweltour-tiefenthaler-hoehe/ 
> Discover the forest adventure trail Wonsheim. https://www.rheinhessen.de/walderlebnisweg-1-wonsheim 
> Explore the history, taste and relevance of historic grape varieties. https://historische-rebsorten.de/

Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Tiefenthaler Graukatz
Tiefenthaler Graukatz

facts and figures

Vineyard: 8 hectare Community: Tiefenthal Sea level: 200-260 m Exposure: southeast
simple vineyard side:

soil types

Rotliegend / Rigosol

Red clay rigosol

Calcareous clay and fine sand deposits in the desert landscape of the top layer of red soil

Shallow to medium depth, lime-rich, stony, clayey loam soil, low storage capacity for soil water available to plants, calcareous, good heatability, moderate rootability

Herbal, delicately spicy, almost floral notes, mineral components, pronounced fruit aromas: peach, apricot, honeydew melon. Lively acidity, multifaceted, often very closed in youth, longevity

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