Udenheimer Kirchberg
Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

Udenheimer Kirchberg (Church Mountain of Udenheim)

The three sisters and the diversity of grape varieties 

A picturesque church stands on the Udenheimer Berg. And it goes without saying that it also gives its name to the single vineyard site. Various grape varieties grow here on sand and clay marl. The church is surrounded by the legend of the three sisters who inherited a lot of money. Each of them wanted to build a church. They divided the inheritance with the help of a bushel measure. Since one of the sisters was blind, she was cheated on. When the blind sister noticed the fraud, she cursed the two sisters' churches on the Petersberg and on the Nazarienberg near Mommenheim. In fact, according to legend, only the church of the blind sister, the one in Udenheim is still there today. The oldest part is the three-storey west tower, which dates from the 12th century.

> About the regional history of the mountain church: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/udenheim/kulturdenkmaeler/bergkirche.html
> On the legend of the three sisters: https://kulturweg-petersberg.de/2014-10-26-16-54-02/foerderung-3/14-sample-data-articles/115-ein-sage-drei-schwestern
> To the Udenheim circular hiking trail "Rheinhessenblick", starting at the mountain church: https://www.udenheim.de/index.php/tourismus-und-freizeit/44-wandern-um-udenheim

Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg
Udenheimer Kirchberg

facts and figures

Vineyard: 53 hectare Community: Udenheim Sea level: m Exposure: Turning south to east
simple vineyard side:

soil types

Marl / pararendzina

Lime-rich loams and sands; Tertiary sea deposits

Deep, calcareous clay soil with a high proportion of swellable clay, lower storage capacity for soil water available to plants, limited water permeability and ventilation, nutrient-rich, very calcareous, moderate warmability, difficult to root through

Dense, powerful, full-bodied, expressive, balanced acidity, sustainability and intensity through fruit, melting and opulence. Juicy, exotic aromas in white wines, mango, honeydew melon, apricot. Dark fruit aromas, smoky spiciness in red wines

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