Stilisierte Karte von Rheinhessen

Wormser Nonnenwingert

The location is named after the monastery Maria Münster in Worms.

facts and figures

wine-growing area: 161 hectares Community: Worms Sea level: m Exposure: Northeast to southeast
collective vineyard site:
single vineyard site:

soil types

Loess / Pararendzina

Loess Pararedzina

Wind deposition of calcareous dust in the ice ages

fertile, deep, light loam soil, clayey silt, very good storage capacity for plant-available soil water, adequate aeration, nutrient-rich, calcareous, moderate warmability, good rootability, high growth potential

Yellow-fruity aromas, apple, peach, pear, citrus, delicately fruity, slim, refreshing, gentle acidity, medium-strong structure, juicy elegant, drinkable early, tasty charm, uncomplicated complexity, fruity, cheerful expression

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Explore the area

Hiking tours

Winery Klosterhof Lösch

Winery Klosterhof Lösch
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Castle Park in Worms, © Michael Zellmer

RheinTerrassenWeg-stage Worms - Osthofen

The access to the RheinTerrassenWeg starts at Wormser Bahnhof. He follows the river Pfrimm, like a green band through Worms. On an old railway line you reach the beginning of the RheinTerrassenWeges at the imposing castle of Herrnsheim. Its English-style castle park is an exciting counterpoint to the almost endless appearing vineyards that characterize the path around the Abenheim Sculpture Trail to Osthofen with its mountain church and the historic Weinbergshäuschen.

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