Henni Nachtsheim und das Jazz-Ensemble der Deutschen Oper Berlin

on 07.09.2024 at 20:00 o'clock

What does an artist who urgently needs to wash his stage wardrobe do when his washing machine breaks down on that very day? He goes to the launderette! Henni Nachtsheim, one half of Badesalz, tells in witty, entertaining lyrics how he meets an elderly lady there with whom he quickly strikes up a conversation. And with whom he soon starts talking about this and that, even though she pulls him over the table without batting an eyelid when he changes his 10 euro bill, and who involves him sometimes in funny, sometimes in thoughtful dialogs. And with whom he gradually makes friends, even though he doesn't really want to. The story is combined with the music of the Deutsche Oper Berlin jazz ensemble, consisting of Christian Meyers (trumpet), Martin Johnson (piano), Uli Rösner (trombone), Axel Kühn (bass) and Lucas Johnson (drums), who have picked out the right pieces to go with the texts and then arranged them in their very own style. So if you like the humor of Badesalz and also like tasteful, sometimes funky, sometimes sensitive jazz music, you shouldn't miss this special encounter between humor and music! Tickets: www.kadh.de


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Dates for this event

  • On 07.09.2024 at 20:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

Kultur auf dem Hof
Bornstraße 15
55278 Dexheim

Tel.: (0049) 6133 507700
Mail: info@kadh.de


Contact details

Kultur auf dem Hof
Bornstraße 15
55278 Dexheim

Tel.: (0049) 6133 507700
Mail: info@kadh.de

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