Kabarett "Zwei Füße für ein Halleluja – Mit einem Regenten unterwegs."

on 03.07.2025 from 20:00 to 22:00 o'clock

Essential questions of the Canossa walk are explored: How far can you go? And above all: why go to Italy, and then on foot? What do you actually wear when you meet the Pope? What are the real reasons for the gross nonsense of calling a variation-less beeping and honking “medieval music”? And above all: what makes the job of king so appealing when the Saxons and the Pope make your life hell in equal measure? With his thick beard and pithy voice, Jochen Malmsheimer breathes new life into the old Salian ruler. Uwe Rössler accompanies the highly entertaining excursion into the everyday life and mentality of the Middle Ages with original sounds and inspires with a brilliant ride through the history of music from Bach to Brahms. Because nothing is as it was - Deo gratias et in excelsis jubilo.

Venue: Landskron castle ruins Admission: 19.00 hrs Start: 20.00 hrs Advance tickets are now available for €33.50 each (free choice of seats) online at www.stadt-oppenheim.de/buchen and at the Tourist Information Office of the town of Oppenheim, Merianstraße 2a (Thu-Sun 10.30 am - 3.30 pm, 06133 4909 14/ -19, tourismus@stadt-oppenheim.de) - box office: €35.00.

Zwei Füße für ein Hallelujah

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Dates for this event

  • On 03.07.2025 from 20:00 to 22:00 Uhr


Venue / Meeting point

Burgruine Landskron
Dalbergerstr. 49
55276 Oppenheim


Contact details

Stadt Oppenheim
Merianstr. 2a
55276 Oppenheim

Tel.: (0049) 6133 490919
Mail: tourismus@stadt-oppenheim.de

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