"Mad Zeppelin" - A Tribute to Led Zeppelin
on 28.03.2025 at 20:30 o'clock
on 28.03.2025 at 20:30 o'clock
Whether for seasoned rock fans longing for the good old days or kids who never got to see LED ZEPPELIN live - a MAD ZEPPELIN concert is the perfect way back to the golden era of rock music! A thrilling journey back to a time when live concerts were still possible without any tape recordings, guitar solos were allowed to be longer than entire pop songs today and musical power and authentic feeling were even more important than a well-styled image and rehearsed dance steps. In a show lasting more than two and a half hours, MAD ZEPPELIN impressively demonstrate why their idols are still regarded as probably the greatest live band in rock history: Their tour-de-force ride through all the ZEP classics leaves nothing out that makes the giants of the 70s so special - earthy blues roots, lyrical folk passages, mystical mini-epics and, of course, rock, rock and more rock. In addition to an extremely high level of musicianship, the band shows a loving attention to detail: it goes without saying that the Moby Dick drum solo is played on the original Ludwig Vistalite acrylic drum kit, “Stairway To Heaven” is intoned on the legendary double-neck guitar and the violin bow is unpacked just like in the concert film “The Song Remains The Same”. MAD ZEPPELIN has been on tour throughout Germany since summer 2000 and has since earned a reputation as one of the best LED ZEPPELIN tribute acts in Europe.
Admission from 7 pm; start at 8:30 pm
Tickets and further information at www.altes-e-werk-nierstein.de