Tobias Mann - Die Kleinkunst-Bühne

on 30.11.2024 at 20:00 o'clock

Tobias Mann - The cabaret stage

In his 8th stage program, Tobias Mann addresses the most important question of the time: What is real and what is fake - and does it still matter when you can create much more beautiful truths with one click than reality offers? Are emotions real if they are created by the social media algorithm? And what does REAL mean when you have to choose between your reflection in the mirror and the edited profile photo on the Internet when you observe yourself every day?

More information and tickets are available here.

241130_Tobias_Mann_(c) Thomas Klose

More dates

Dates for this event

  • On 30.11.2024 at 20:00 o'clock


Venue / Meeting point

kING Kultur- und Kongresshalle
Fridtjof-Nansen-Platz 5
55218 Ingelheim

Tel.: +49 6132 710 009 0


Contact details

Tourist-Information Ingelheim
Binger Straße 16
55218 Ingelheim

Tel.: (0049) 6132 710 009 200

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