Vineyard site "Niersteiner Glöck" at sunset. Above the vineyard site lies the Kilianskirche, a landmark in Nierstein., © Torsten Silz© Torsten Silz

Borntaler Hof winery

"Making wine" is actually not a secret or a science - no: making wine is simply our passion!

Our family winery is located on the highest point of Osthofen, surrounded by our own fallow deer enclosure, our spacious motorhome parking space and with a view of the adjacent vineyards and good visibility even as far as the Odenwald. The perfect starting point for your vineyard hikes, bike tours and long excursions.

In order to produce our tasty wines, we work where you like going on a holiday: in the vineyards; in the middle of nature and in harmony with nature

This is where our intensive work begins with quality-oriented pruning, close-to-nature care of the grapes, harvest of perfectly healthy grapes and subsequent aroma-preserving vinification of the wines in our modern wine cellar. Our wines are the interplay of good soils, a mild climate and the perfection of the winemaker: simply a symbiosis of nature and man.

Come to us and enjoy our wines and Rheinhessen with all your senses: your eyes, your nose, your palate - and you are convinced: Paradise is here in Rheinhessen!

On the estate only German is spoken. 

winery borntaler hof exterior view, © Weingut Borntaler Hof
winery borntaler hof exterior view
winery borntaler hof, © Weingut Borntaler Hof
winery borntaler hof
winemaker-bostaler-hof-51, © Weingut Borntaler Hof
winemaker-bostaler-hof-29, © Weingut Borntaler Hof
winemaker-bostaler-hof-36, © Weingut Borntaler Hof
winemaker-bostaler-hof-61, © Weingut Borntaler Hof
winemaker-bostaler-hof-26, © Weingut Borntaler Hof

About us

Contact details:

Weingut Borntaler Hof
Benno Lang
Aussiedlerhof Lang 67574 Osthofen