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HIESTAND winery & farm distillery

Human, vine and environment!

These are the three factors for independent wines. For more than 6 centuries, the Hiestand family has lived in harmony with nature and its vines. Every day we work anew to bring the harmony and fruit of our grapes together with the power and minerality of the classic layers of the Rhine front into the bottle and to you. The class and breed of our estate wines from small and fine individual layers offer you enjoyment.

Feel free to contact us, we will gladly answer you in German, English and French.

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Hiestand2, © Hiestand
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About us

  • Winemaker Gunther Hiestand
  • Vineyard-area 12 hectare
  • specialist trade
  • sparkling wine
  • Maxim origin Rheinhessen

Contact details:

HIESTAND Weingut & Hofbrennerei
Gunther Hiestand
Nordhöfer Straße 19 67583 Guntersblum

Processed vineyards

Guntersblumer Steig-Terrassen

Guntersblumer Steig-Terrassen

Climb up and enjoy the view over the terraces

There's no mistake in the spelling here. The name is meant exactly as it is written: The Middle High German word "Steige", which means steep descent; is joined by the terraced terrain. The vines look towards the Rhine like visitors in a theatre. Behind the loess layer is limestone. The site is hot and dry. The wines are ripe and spicy. Close to the single vineyard: the Jewish cemetery, first mentioned in a document in 1736.

> To the other single vineyard sites of Guntersblum: Bornpfad, Himmelthal, and Kreuzkapelle.
> Information about the Jewish cemetery: https://www.kulturverein-guntersblum.de/joomla/index.php/geschichte/der-juedische-friedhof-in-guntersblum 
> Discover this single vineyard via Rheinterrassenweg, stage 4: 
> In the photos you can see two red grape harvesting machines. The photos were taken in the fall of 2021. 

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Alternativbild für Dienheimer Kreuzkapelle

Dienheimer Kreuzkapelle

The layer designation is based on a former cross chapel.

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Oppenheimer Kreuz

Oppenheimer Kreuz

Presented to the Pope

A red sandstone cross, a votive cross, stands at the foot of a vineyard in this single vineyard. This is probably where the name comes from. A votive cross means a special kind of cross: The cross was erected out of gratitude. As a rescue from an emergency. Riesling and also increasingly Pinot Noir vines grow here, which have freshness and finesse. A nice anecdote: Pope Benedict was served a 1999 Pinot Noir from this vineyard by the Kühling-Gillot winery as a mass wine - how fitting. The winemakers therefore call the site "Papstlage" (engl. Pope’s vineyard).

> Overview of sights in and around Oppenheim: https://www.stadt-oppenheim.de/sehen/
> Link to the German Viticulture Museum: https://www.dwm-content.de/
> Other single vineyard sites with the name Kreuz: Ingelheimer Rotes Kreuz, Ockenheimer Kreuz

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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