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Wine house Uhl

We are a medium-sized wine-growing business in Lonsheim - located in the heart of Rheinhessen. Within 30km, Alzey, Bingen, Mainz and Worms can be reached. In terms of transport, we are very well connected. The A61 and A63 are within a few minutes drive.
As a family business in the 5th generation, we manage about 7 hectares of vineyards, which are planted with various red and white grape varieties. The grapes are turned into wine in our estate. Our product range includes not only red and white quality wines but also Kabinett wines and Spätlese. We also offer sparkling wine and grape juice in our assortment. On request, we will gladly send you a price list by email or fax. Wine tastings are carried out all year by appointment. On request, we also come to your home. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

How about a leisurely vineyard tour by tractor?

If you are interested in working with the wine, you are welcome to visit us throughout the year. Please register with us beforehand, as some dates are quickly booked out. Accommodation options can be arranged.

We look forward to welcoming you. Your Uhl family

On the estate only German is spoken. 

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Logo Uhl Internet, © Weinhaus Uhl
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About us

  • Winemaker Edwin Uhl
  • Vineyard-area 7 hectares

Contact details:

Weinhaus Uhl
Edwin Uhl
Untergasse 2 55237 Lonsheim

Processed vineyards

Lonsheimer Mandelberg

Lonsheimer Mandelberg

Almond, mantle, marl 

Such a beautiful name, so many questions: The simplest explanation could be that almond trees were found there. Nowadays, almond trees blossom without any problems in sunny Rheinhessen, but also in the Middle Ages? Another interpretation suggests that the vineyard bears the shape of an almond. Well, with a lot of imagination! Almond could also be derived from the Middle High German "Mantel". Not the garment, but meant the forest mantle, the edge zone of a forest. Pine trees are said to have grown there. Today, various vines thrive on clay marl, including special ones such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Dorsa or Pinot Meunier. The Lonsheim lookout tower is not far away and belongs to one of the most beautiful Hiwwelt tours in Rheinhessen, the one in the "Aulheimer Tal". 

> Discover Lonsheim via Hiwweltour Aulheimer Tal: https://www.rheinhessen.de/hiwweltouren/hiwweltour-aulheimer-tal 
> Blog post about the hike on the Hiwweltour Aulheimer Tal: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/ein-wandertag-in-flonheim-und-auf-der-hiwweltour-aulheimer-tal/ 

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Alternativbild für Bornheimer Kirchenstück

Bornheimer Kirchenstück

The naming is based on ownership of church property.

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Bermersheimer Hildegardisberg

Bermersheimer Hildegardisberg

Hildegardis Way in Bermersheim 
Birthplace of a saint and fantastic wines 

She was the tenth child of the nobleman Hildebert of Bermersheim and his wife Mechthild. In 1098 Hildegard (presumably) saw the light of day in Bermersheim. She founded a monastery on the Rupertsberg near Bingen and was considered a great mystic of the Middle Ages. Without a doubt, this site is dedicated to her. On marl and loess soil, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris and Chardonnay thrive quite fantastically. 

> Learn more about Saint Hildegard of Bingen in the Museum am Strom: 
> Discover other single vineyard sites in the village, such as the Bermersheimer Seilgarten or Klostergarten. 

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