Vineyard site "Niersteiner Glöck" at sunset. Above the vineyard site lies the Kilianskirche, a landmark in Nierstein., © Torsten Silz© Torsten Silz

Winery & distillery Otto Nehrbaß

From the treasures of our homeland we offer distillates and wines of the highest enjoyment!
Regional fruits, grapes, pulp and yeasts turn into noble spirits that fully enjoy Rheinhessen! Award-winning quality that will inspire you!

A careful distillation process is very important. Afterwards, we give our different distillates time to develop. You can develop your very special aroma partly in wooden barrels from Hunsrücker oak, partly in stainless steel keg. Individuality you can feel!

On the estate only German is spoken.

Nehrbaß152-1, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Logo Nehrbass-1, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Logo Nehrbass-1
Nehrbaß053-web, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Nehrbaß072-web, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Nehrbaß096-comp, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Nehrbaß091-web, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Nehrbaß175-comp., © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Nehrbaß177-2, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Nehrbaß048-1, © Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß

About us

  • Winemaker Gunnar Bornschein
  • Delicatessen ideas made from wine
  • Non-Alcoholic Wines

Contact details:

Weingut & Brennerei Otto Nehrbaß
Bianca Nehrbaß
Karl-Marx-Straße 2 55288 Schornsheim