Eller1, © Weingut Eller© Weingut Eller

Winery Eller

We are a family business from Rheinhessen, where winegrowing has been practiced since 1838. Our wine-growing business is located on the Rhine front with the winery in Dorn-Dürkheim. We cultivate our vineyards along the Rhine from Dorn-Dürkheim via Alsheim, Guntersblum and Oppenheim.
From the obligation to meet the highest standards, our wines are suitable for allergy sufferers who have a histamine intolerance. For this we are only looking for the best white - red & rosé wines from our cellar. We are convinced that you too will find a wine of your taste with us.
Your winery

On the estate English and German is spoken.

Eller1, © Weingut Eller
Eller2, © Weingut Eller
Eller3, © Weingut Eller
Eller4, © Weingut Eller
Eller5, © Weingut Eller
Eller7, © Weingut Eller
Eller logo, © Weingut Eller
Eller logo

About us

  • Winemaker Gunter Eller
  • Vineyard-area 15 hectare
  • specialist trade
  • sparkling wine
  • wine export

Contact details:

Weingut Eller
Gunter Eller
Stielgasse 2 67585 Dorn-Dürkheim

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Winery Eller

Eller1, © Weingut Eller

Winery Eller

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Processed vineyards

Alternativbild für Alsheimer Römerberg

Alsheimer Römerberg

This layer designation goes back to soil finds from Roman times.

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Guntersblumer Steig-Terrassen

Guntersblumer Steig-Terrassen

Climb up and enjoy the view over the terraces

There's no mistake in the spelling here. The name is meant exactly as it is written: The Middle High German word "Steige", which means steep descent; is joined by the terraced terrain. The vines look towards the Rhine like visitors in a theatre. Behind the loess layer is limestone. The site is hot and dry. The wines are ripe and spicy. Close to the single vineyard: the Jewish cemetery, first mentioned in a document in 1736.

> To the other single vineyard sites of Guntersblum: Bornpfad, Himmelthal, and Kreuzkapelle.
> Information about the Jewish cemetery: https://www.kulturverein-guntersblum.de/joomla/index.php/geschichte/der-juedische-friedhof-in-guntersblum 
> Discover this single vineyard via Rheinterrassenweg, stage 4: 
> In the photos you can see two red grape harvesting machines. The photos were taken in the fall of 2021. 

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Oppenheimer Sackträger

Oppenheimer Sackträger (Bag Carrier of Oppenheim)

Carrying goods from the river to the town

Guilds and associations of craftsmen or merchants were very important in the Middle Ages. In Oppenheim there was a guild of sack bearers. Today they would be called transporters or logisticians. They once carried the ship's goods from the river Rhein to Oppenheim, as the town is located on an elevated site. Certainly a lot of goods were stored in the cellar labyrinths afterwards. These can still be visited today. The single vineyard was mentioned in 1475 as "hinder dem sacktreger thorne". Heavily weathered limestone lies in the subsoil. Vines such as Riesling, Silvaner or Gewürztraminer, but also Pinot Noir feel at home in the warm, wind-protected location.

> Discover the underground city of Oppenheim: https://www.rheinhessen.de/a-oppenheimer-kellerlabyrinth 
> Regional history of the town of Oppenheim: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim.html 
> On the development of field names: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/oppenheim/einzelaspekte/flurnamen.html 
> The next generation of winegrowers is trained directly at the site: Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum. 

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Dorn-Dürkheimer Hasensprung

Dorn-Dürkheimer Hasensprung

Of prehistoric horses, saber-toothed tigers and hares 

The hare gave its name to the single location. Moreover, the Middle High German word "spring/sprung", which has nothing to do with hopping, but means "spring". Hare, deer, fox, badger certainly roam the area between the three villages Dorn-Dürkheim, Wintersheim and Hillesheim. And yet there were once quite wondrous animals here: prehistoric horses, rhinoceroses or saber-toothed tigers. The found remains of 80 vertebrate species are about 8.5 million years old and thus belong to the age of the "Turolium". There is no more significant fossil site of this phase in all of Europe! A local artist donated to the community, among other things, a three-meter-high marble evolutionary column, which can be visited at any time. A wide variety of vines thrive on loess. 

> Compare the single vineyard Bechtheimer Hasensprung
> Read more about the site in the blog post https://blog.rheinhessen.de/geologie-top-5-in-rheinhessen/

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