Vineyard site "Niersteiner Glöck" at sunset. Above the vineyard site lies the Kilianskirche, a landmark in Nierstein., © Torsten Silz© Torsten Silz

Winery Klosterhof

In our winery, tradition is combined with modernity. Noticeable in the location of our winery, in our company philosophy and in ourselves. Visit our new wine shop on Flonheimer Marktplatz. Just a few days ago it received the "Rheinhessen Excellent Quality Award." Here you can expect wine enjoyment and much more ... Opening hours: Friday 10.00am - 6.00pm Saturday 10.00am - 6.00pm and by appointment. During the opening hours you can taste wines and have a cupcake selection & coffee for a sweet break at the bar. Drop by and take a peek behind the scenes of a winemaking family! Looking for a group of up to 30 people for a wine tasting, lunch or dinner? We are happy to pamper you with our "Kloseterhof Buffet". (Dates by appointment) In cooperation with the local community we organize local tours or a visit to the new Flonheim Museum.The Culture & Wine Ambassador, Gunda Kläs is happy to take you on "Trullas-Trulli". Tour "to the Flonheim landmark Discover our wines, Flonheim and Rheinhessen ... We look forward receiving you! Anke Schäfer-Graß & Dr. med. Ralf Schäfer "

Weingut_01, © Weingut Klosterhof
Logo without Crest Orange, © Weingut Klosterhof
Logo without Crest Orange
klkosterhof-OG_i, © Weingut Klosterhof
rhh_vino_ausgezeichnet, © Weingut Klosterhof
row, © Weingut Klosterhof
coffee, © Weingut Klosterhof
museum, © Weingut Klosterhof
© Webmelone
© Weingut Klosterhof

About us

Contact details:

Weingut Klosterhof
Dr. Ralf Schäfer
Schulgasse 4 55237 Flonheim