Kroll__Bermersheim, © Weingut Kroll© Weingut Kroll

Winery Kroll

In the 3rd generation already, the Kroll family has been managing the winery in Bemersheim. With much love and care, the vineyards are maintained to tease out the optimum in quality. The family winery is managed by Wilfried and Ulrike Kroll. Junior Thomas Kroll, ambitious winemaker, has entered the family business with great enthusiasm and dedication. Since completing his training, he has been responsible for the vinification of the wine in the family-owned winery. Through his love of experimentation, he brings a lot of new wind into the winery. Pinot Noir is the main variety here. One of the young talents of Rheinhessen. Since 2011, the Kroll winery has been listed as a recommended winery in the wine guides Gault Millau and Eichelmann.

kroll_logo_internet, © Weingut Kroll
Kroll__Bermersheim, © Weingut Kroll

About us

  • Winemaker Thomas Kroll
  • Vineyard-area 15 hectare

Contact details:

Weingut Kroll
Wilfried und Thomas Kroll
Alzeyer Straße 14 67593 Bermersheim

Processed vineyards

Alternativbild für Dalsheimer Sauloch

Dalsheimer Sauloch

The location was 1490 to 1525 with the name "in the Sawloch" documented. Domestic or wild boars wallowed in this mud in the mud.

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