hammerstein-3, © Weingut Nibelungenhof© Weingut Nibelungenhof

Winery Nibelungenhof

Our winery is located in the south of Rheinhessen in Wiesoppenheim, a district of the historic city of Worms.
Our winery is surrounded by vineyards. So we have a special closeness to "our" grapes. We manage about 18 hectares of vineyards We try to carry on well-tried grape varieties and wines and to develop new varieties into unique taste experiences.

Always true to the motto of our senior boss:
"The wine must be tasty!"

We always look forward to suggestions from our customers, the customer is king with us.

On the estate only German is spoken.

hammerstein-1, © Weingut Nibelungenhof
hammerstein-2, © Weingut Nibelungenhof
hammerstein-3, © Weingut Nibelungenhof
hammerstein-4, © Weingut Nibelungenhof
hammerstein-5, © Weingut Nibelungenhof
hammerstein-logo, © Weingut Nibelungenhof

About us

  • Winemaker Andreas Hammerstein
  • Vineyard-area 18 hectare

Contact details:

Weingut Nibelungenhof
Andreas Hammerstein
Hermann-Hesse-Straße 21 67551 Worms-Wiesoppenheim

Processed vineyards