Jans_Fassade, © Weingut Rheinterrassenhof - Janß© Weingut Rheinterrassenhof - Janß

Winery Rheinterrassenhof - Janß

Our winery is located directly by the Rhine front in the idyllic Guntersblum, right between Mainz & Worms. We cultivate about 12ha of vineyards on which mainly traditional grape varieties such as Riesling, Sylvaner and Pinot Noir grow but also new varieties such as Würzer and Bacchus. We took over the winery in 2003 from Wolfgang's parents Walter & Elfriede Janß, with whom we live together on the farm. We want to continue our winery as traditionally conscious as our ancestors have been doing for over 300 years. "Modernity with Ancient Tradition" is our motto. In our cozy Gutsschänke Reblausstube you can forget your everyday life. Enjoy our wine with traditional Rheinhessen cuisine. We are happy to arrange your family celebration for you, talk to us. We have 50 seats inside and 80 seats on our terrace with stunning views over the Rhine valley. Since we have many events throughout the year, including some family reunions and class reunions, please call in advance to see if we are open. Opening hours: Thursday - Saturday: from 18:00 clock Sundays and public holidays: from 12:00 clock Phone Gutsschänke 06249/7390 Mail reblausstube@t-online.de "

English speaking visitors are welcome.

Logo2012, © Weingut Rheinterrassenhof - Janß
Jans_Fassade, © Weingut Rheinterrassenhof - Janß
© Weingut Rheinterrassenhof
© Weingut Rheinterrassenhof
© Weingut Rheinterrassenhof
© Weingut Rheinterrassenhof
© Weingut Rheinterrassenhof
© Weingut Rheinterrassenhof

About us

  • Vineyard-area 12 hectare

Contact details:

Weingut Rheinterrassenhof - Janß
Wolfgang und Petra Janß
Eimsheimer Straße 54 67583 Guntersblum

Processed vineyards

Guntersblumer Himmelthal

Guntersblumer Himmelthal (Heaven’s valley of Guntersblum)

High, higher, heavenly in Guntersblum

The term Himmel - also common in naming - indicates good cultivated land or high altitude sites. The Guntersblum single vineyard Himmelthal actually is located bit higher, closer to the sun and thus perfect for grapes of higher ripeness. A wide variety of grape varieties thrive on fertile loess soil, such as Pinot Gris or red varieties like Pinot Madeleine, Piot Meunier and Dornfelder. The Protestant parish church there also is heavenly. Not one, but two towers rise up to the sky. This church is one of the rare so called “Heidentürme” (engl. pagan towers), built around 1102 after the 1st Crusade to the Holy Land. 

> To the other single sites of Guntersblum: Bornpfad, Kreuzkapelle and Steig-Terrassen 
> Information about the Heidenturm Guntersblum: https://www.regionalgeschichte.net/bibliothek/aufsaetze/kotzur-heidentuerme-rheinhessen.html#c68805 
> To the blog entry about the Heidentürme in Rheinhessen: https://blog.rheinhessen.de/orient-rheinhessen-heidenturmkirchen/ 
> On the photo at the hedge the attentive viewer sees a red device. This is used for starling defense. With a loud bang the birds are driven away. 

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Guntersblumer Kreuzkapelle

Guntersblumer Kreuzkapelle (Chapel of the Cross od Guntersblum)

No chapelanymore, but wonderful sunken paths

The name of the vineyard is based on a former Kreuzkapelle (eng. “cross chapel”), which apparently no longer exists. The vines of this single vineyard grow between Guntersblum and Ludwigshöhe, on the Rhine terrace. Loess and clay minerals ensure a good supply of nutrients for a variety of vines. Hikers can discover this single vineyard ideally via the Rheinterrassenweg, the fourth stage. Behind Guntersblum, from the Römerturm (Engl. Roman’s tower) one has a magnificent view of the Rhine valley. After that, the loess walls close in on each other. The sunken paths are a paradise for nature and animals.

> To the other single vineyard sites of Guntersblum: Bornpfad, Himmelthal and Steig-Terrassen
> Discover this single vineyard via Rheinterrassenweg, stage 4:


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