© Weingut Kruppenbacher© Weingut Kruppenbacher

Winery Schnell-Aisenbrey

The harmonious combination of nature and tradition, as well as the sensitive use of contemporary technology are our signature as winemakers.
We dedicate ourselves to each vintage with all our commitment, passion and knowledge.

Whether fruity-fresh estate wine, characterful terroir wine or high-quality premium wine:
Our wines should carry the Jugenheim terroir and make the individual signature of the winery Schnell-Aisenbrey come alive.

Christel and Kurt Schnell

English speaking visitos are welcome. 

© Weingut Kruppenbacher
© Weingut Kruppenbacher
© Weingut Kruppenbacher
© Weingut Kruppenbacher

About us

  • Vineyard-area 15 hectare
  • specialist trade
  • sparkling wine
  • wine export

Contact details:

Weingut Kruppenbacher
Außerhalb 9 55270 Jugenheim

Processed vineyards

Jugenheimer Goldberg

Jugenheimer Goldberg (Gold Mountain of Jugenheim)

A mountain like gold and the white tower 

Jugenheim is also one of the "golden vineyards of Rheinhessen". Again, there is no vein of gold in the ground here. What a shame! But it is a highly valued, one could say "gold-valued" site. Vines of all kinds thrive on loess-loam and lime marl. The Jugenheim wine hike leads around the Goldberg. Worth seeing and a nice place to rest: the white tower. The "Selztal Terroir Route 1" starts in Jugendheim. There, soil profiles are shown – touch the terroir. Wine tables invite you to take a break.

> To other Rheinhessen sites with the term gold: Siefersheimer Goldenes Horn or Armsheimer Goldstückchen
> To the Selz Valley Terroir Routes: https://www.vg-nieder-olm.de/vg_niederolm/Kultur,%20Freizeit,%20Sport/Tourismus/Selztal-Terroir-Route/

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